The Boston Sukkah

Sukkah Center of Rockland.jpg

For the first time ever, our Sukkah, located in the of heart Boston, is open for public use throughout the Sukkot holiday - from September 18-25.

Kindly stop-in with the whole family to shake the Lulav & Etrog and have a bite to eat.

The Sukkah is located in Public Alley 424 directly behind 146 Marlborough St - between Clarendon and Dartmouth, just minutes from Beacon Hill, South End, Hancock Tower, Newbury St. and Boylston St.

We'll be gathering in the Sukkah for Kiddush Wednesday, September 18 at 7:30 pm, Thursday, September 19 at 7:30 pm and Friday, September 20 (for services and Kiddush) at 7:00 pm.

Wishing you a Chag Sameach – a joyous and meaningful holiday!

A project of Chabad of Boston.